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The Ultimate Betrayal Page 2

  Sophia knew what it felt like when another woman was cruising her, but this woman’s appreciative look was more like a caress. The woman screamed class and sophistication. Sophia suspected that her self-imposed celibacy as a result of the intensity of graduate school and settling into her new job was about to end.

  “You must be the new professor everyone is talking about,” the huntress said.

  “Excuse me?” Sophia raised her eyebrow.

  “Criminally sexy Italian. That’s what they are saying about you. The lesbian students in your program are going to love you.” The woman stuck out her hand. “I’m Lara Beck. I run a boring financial services company,” she stated.

  Sophia chuckled. “Well, I must admit that’s a pretty good line, using others to deliver a compliment. Yes. Sophia Torre. Nice to meet you.” Sophia shook Lara’s hand. “I am the new professor in the LGBTQ studies program. They only hired me because I was a right pain in the ass when I was a student in their program and they knew they’d never get rid of me unless they hired me to teach for them.”

  “Somehow I doubt that very much. I’ll bet you’re brilliant and it certainly doesn’t hurt that you’re attractive. Enrollment in the program will most likely increase now that you’re a professor.”

  “I can already tell that I’m going to have to watch myself around you. You are quite the charmer,” Sophia admitted.

  “Any chance I can charm you into having drinks with me after this soiree is finished?”

  “I’d love to—especially if it will get me out of staying until the bitter end.”

  “How about if I promise to make a very large donation in exchange for stealing you away earlier than the minimal, acceptable amount of time?” Lara asked.

  “Oh, I think that would be a fair compromise. Let me just make my excuses to my boss and you can lead the way,” Sophia answered.


  A limousine pulled up in front of the circular drive and Sophia gracefully folded herself inside after her charming companion used a feather light touch on her back to guide her to the vehicle.

  A bottle of wine was chilling in the compartment opposite the two women.

  “Although this isn’t exactly the drink I was referring to earlier, would you like a glass of wine?”

  Sophia didn’t want to drink too much alcohol and miss the opportunity to get to know this intriguing woman better, so she declined the drink.

  “We have a couple of choices for where to go for drinks. We could either go to one of the loud, obnoxious, dance clubs, an unhealthy smoke infested jazz club, or my smoke free penthouse that would be quiet enough to actually have a conversation.”

  Sophia chuckled. “You are a crafty one. By describing the other two options in a very unappealing manner, I suspect you hope I will choose your penthouse.”

  “Beautiful and intelligent—that is a lethal combination for me. Sophia, I’m not one to play games. I find you positively delicious and I would like nothing more than to take you back to my place and make love to you all night long, but I won’t push for anything more than you willingly wish to offer. If sharing drinks and conversation is all that evolves tonight, I’ll just bide my time and keep asking you out until it’s the right time for both of us.”

  “I’m not opposed to having drinks at your penthouse and then we’ll see where it takes us,” Sophia offered.


  Sophia had never been in such an opulent apartment. She stood at the floor to ceiling windows that revealed a spectacular view of the city, the glimmering lights winking at her. She knew places like this existed in New York, she’d just never been invited to one before. It was a bit overwhelming to her and she took another large sip of the drink in her hand. She was surprised to see that there was nothing left but a few ice cubes.

  Lara gently removed the glass from her hand and tucked a stray hair behind her ear. Sophia instinctively moved closer and their lips came together in a gentle union.

  Sophia felt Lara’s hand caressing her face and the next kiss slowly increased in intensity until she heard herself moan loudly. “Oh God, I swear I felt that all the way to my toes.”

  “Are you more relaxed now?”

  Sophia thought that, while the kiss managed to break the ice a bit, she was anything but relaxed. She imagined this was a lot like when someone revved up a sports car engine. Her engine was definitely purring.

  “If you’re intending to relax me, it would be best not to kiss me like that again.”

  “What do you want, Sophia? I want to give you whatever your heart desires. Tell me and I’ll make it happen,” Lara whispered.

  Sophia was definitely not a prude, but had never slept with anyone after just meeting them. She wasn’t the kind of person to have one-night stands. Tonight she would venture into new territory. “You, I want you.”

  “You have me.”

  Lara took Sophia by the hand and led her into the bedroom.

  Chapter Four

  July 2011

  Sophia walked slowly beside her father and smiled up at her love who was waiting at the altar. This was happening. This was really happening. After six years together, they were finally able to legally marry. They’d had a commitment ceremony a little more than five years ago, but there was something very different about this. Sure, there were all the legal advantages to marriage, but it was more than that. It was standing up before all your friends and family and sharing your love for that one person and having them celebrate with you the special commitment that a marriage signifies.

  Dominick, Sophia’s father, smiled at her, kissed her on the cheek and stepped back.

  Her sister, Marie, was standing next to her, performing to perfection all the duties expected as her maid of honor.

  Joy, Sophia’s best friend, stood next to Marie. Sophia chuckled as she saw Joy checking out one of the women standing next to her future wife. Joy would never change and would never lack for female company.

  Sophia looked into the eyes of the woman she’d fallen so desperately in love with on the night of that fundraiser and smiled at the love she saw reflected back.

  That one night had led to many more which had sealed their relationship. It was a whirlwind romance, starting with that night of passion and quickly led to a commitment ceremony only six months later. Sophia had moved into the penthouse after only a month, despite, Joy’s minor protestations that she should date a bit more before settling down. Sophia tossed away Joy’s advice because she just knew she’d found her one and only.

  “Shall we begin?” the officiant asked.

  Sophia nodded.

  Everything was a blur as they each recited their vows.

  Sophia was so nervous, wanting to say just the right things. She tried to remember everything she’d written down. “You were like a freight train barreling down on me. From the first moment I laid eyes on you, I was lost. Some people say that love at first sight is not possible. That it’s only a romantic notion strictly relegated to books and movies, but they’re wrong because I’m convinced I fell in love with you the moment our eyes met. I can’t imagine living my life with anyone but you. You had my heart then, you have my heart now, and you’ll have my heart until the day I die.”

  “Until I met you, I never thought it was possible to settle down and love just one woman. You were the first to turn me into a believer in love. From the moment I saw you hiding in the corner, I knew in my heart that I would have to make you mine, no matter what it took. I will do everything in my power to make you happy for the rest of our lives.”

  It wouldn’t be long now and they would finally get to the fun part – the enormous party that practically all of New York was invited to attend.

  “Sophia, do you take….”

  Chapter Five

  Spring 2015

  Lara grimaced as she looked out the tiny window of the Boeing 767 jet. Even the first class windows were small on the airplane. The constant drizzle created tiny beads of water on the glass.

nbsp; “Big surprise. It’s raining again,” she muttered.

  “Excuse me?” Chelsea Martin, the international head of Microtech, inquired.

  “Nothing,” Lara responded and smiled.

  Lara was a master of deceit. She could fake just about anything and Chelsea might come in handy later. She would smile and continue showing Chelsea how interested she was in her prized greyhounds. Lara knew that the chance meeting with the famed executive might prove fortuitous. A little flirting here and there wouldn’t hurt either. Chelsea Martin was one of the most powerful lesbian executives in the United States. Her wealth and connections could mean several additional large accounts. Lara thrived on money and power. It was like air to her—she needed it to sustain life.

  “We should really plan on having lunch together. I’d love to hear more of your ideas for my financial portfolio. It would be such a pity to not get together now that I know your home base is right in my back yard.” Chelsea’s mouth bent up and her brilliant smile left Lara with a hint of promise.

  If Lara really wanted to seal the deal and pave her way into this woman’s fortune, all she had to do was accept this formidable executive’s veiled invitation. She’d heard that Chelsea enjoyed entertaining other powerful women in business and Lara was well known in her own right. Lara didn’t consider it cheating to have a brief intimate encounter with a potential business client. It was all part of the game and she was very good at this form of entertainment.

  As the Chief Executive Officer of Fortified Financials, Lara had achieved a certain amount of fame and status, but her aspirations were always two steps higher. Being a millionaire wasn’t enough anymore, she wanted billionaire status. Her ruthless approach to business would not let her stop at anything to achieve her ultimate goal. Integrity and morals had no place in a successful financial planning business.

  “I’d be delighted to have lunch and give you a few pointers, but of course to receive the full benefit of my extensive knowledge, I’d have to sign you up as a new client. I am convinced you would not be disappointed with my performance.” Lara smiled seductively at Chelsea.

  Chelsea pulled out a business card as the voice on the speaker sounded.

  Flight attendants, please prepare for landing.

  “Here is my card. I’ll expect a call on Monday. I look forward to connecting with you again. It’s been a pleasure talking with you,” Chelsea said as she nodded.

  Lara frowned before taking the card and then quickly displayed her own brilliant smile. The nod from Chelsea felt like a dismissal or even worse, an order. Lara did not do well when another woman was in charge, but Chelsea’s connections were necessary to propel her to the next level. She would continue to let Chelsea believe she held the reins.

  “I will definitely call on Monday to arrange lunch. Shall I call your assistant, or would you prefer that I call you directly?” Lara asked.

  Lara noted the look of surprise in Chelsea’s eyes before they narrowed in scrutiny. “For now, why don’t you go through my assistant?”


  As the plane came to a stop, the sound of unbuckling seat belts and shuffling bags filled the small cabin. Lara leaned back in her seat and decided to let all the passengers around her gather their belongings and deplane before attempting to pull her overnight bag from the bin above. She didn’t want to take the chance that Chelsea would see her reunion with her wife, Rachel.

  Rachel always greeted her at the airport with a passionate kiss. The greeting created an internal conflict with Lara. Although she thoroughly enjoyed the physical experience, her more reserved side did not enjoy what she considered was a flamboyant and unnecessary display of public affection.

  Early in their relationship, Lara tried to temper her passionate wife. As a hot-blooded Italian woman, Rachel refused to moderate her passion with Lara. Most people who met Rachel would never guess she was Italian with her long blonde hair and piercing blue eyes, but Rachel’s ancestors were from the Northern territories where blond, blue-eyed men and women were the norm.

  In the end, Lara wanted the passion more than she needed the reserve. Rachel was a spectacular bedmate, so she allowed this one idiosyncrasy.

  When the last passenger began his descent down the narrow aisle, Lara stood up, moved into the tight passageway, and stretched her long, lean body. She lifted her Louis Vuitton carry-on bag from the overhead bin and slung it on her shoulder. She smiled as she envisioned Rachel’s generous lips devouring her mouth. She felt a trickle in her silk panties as the scene played out in her head. Lara had plans for Rachel and could barely wait to unwrap her. It would take at least a half an hour, depending on traffic, to reach their expansive home on Lake Washington. Maybe Rachel would agree to a quick release in the car as she drove.


  Rachel was running late to pick up her wife. She shoved the mail littered on the kitchen table aside looking for her keys. Espresso, their black cat, up on the table again, blinked his green eyes at her and Rachel imagined he was saying, “Why so stressed, mom? Do you want me to help you?”

  Espresso began batting the pieces of mail with his paws.

  Rachel sighed. “This is not a game, Espresso. Get down. You know how mommy Lara hates when you jump up on the table.”

  Espresso yawned and plopped down on the table, resuming his lazy attack of the mail as he sprawled out on top of half of the envelopes.

  Rachel petted his head before picking him up and placing him on the floor. Two seconds later, he jumped back on the table and reached up to place one of his paws on her shoulder. “Okay, you big baby, you can come with me, but we have to find mommy’s keys first.”

  Rachel pulled Espresso close to her as he wrapped his other paw around her neck and licked her chin. When he poked his tongue in her mouth and licked sloppily, she placed her right hand over her mouth to serve as a barrier. “No French kissing. How many times do I have to tell you that’s reserved for mommy?”

  Rachel picked up Espresso and shifted him to her left arm while continuing to move the mail around. “There you are, you naughty keys. I thought I told you that playing hide and seek right before I have to pick up Lara is strictly forbidden.”

  With Espresso still in her arms, Rachel rushed out the door and into the garage. Placing Espresso on the passenger seat, she settled into the buttery soft leather of her Tesla. Pushing a button on the large touchscreen, the garage door whirred open and she eased out of the three-car garage.

  “Let’s hope traffic is light today. You’d think it would be on a Sunday, but it’s Seattle so you never know. Lara will be plenty pissed if I’m late again. I might have to make the trip back home a little more pleasurable to make up for my tardiness.” Lara grinned at Espresso. “You need to jump in the back and settle in for a nap while I welcome mommy home properly.”

  “Meow,” Espresso answered.

  “I’ll give you extra treats and let you climb on the counters when mommy Lara isn’t there if you’re a good boy while I help mommy relax.”


  “Good boy. I knew I could count on you.”


  Lara glanced at her watch. “Where the hell are you, Rachel? It’s Sunday for Christ’s sake. How hard can it be to get to the airport on time on a flippin’ Sunday?” she grumbled in frustration.

  Lara was not the kind of woman you kept waiting. This was yet another small irritation that she considered less than ideal regarding her wife. Rachel would be late for her own funeral, Lara often teased.

  Lara pressed a button on her watch and rapidly recorded a message, “You’re late again. Don’t park. Meet you at arrivals.”

  The ping and haptic notification on her watch was instantaneous. Lara smiled as she saw the, sorry, with a smiley face in her tiny 38mm watch screen. Rachel might be chronically late and a bit too demonstrative for her at times, but she was also a hellcat in bed and one of the most beautiful women Lara had ever laid eyes on. She knew the instant they met at the Seattle Chi
ldren’s Hospital fundraiser that she would make this gorgeous creature hers. The fact that she was already involved was a detail that Lara found irrelevant to what she wanted—and what Lara wanted, she always got.

  With her carryon bag slung over her shoulder, Lara briskly walked outside to wait for her errant wife. Tapping the toe of her black Gucci pumps, Lara waited impatiently for her wife to drive up. Without her nylons, the pumps rubbed uncomfortably on her sensitive heels and the sides of her feet. After she removed her silk underwear and the extra nylon barrier while visiting the restroom, she realized that Gucci did not design the expensive shoes to function as a bedroom slipper.

  The drizzling rain, her late wife, the rubbing shoes, and her uncomfortable suit left Lara irritable and primed for an argument of epic proportions. This was not how she envisioned her homecoming. She shivered in the overhang that protected her from the Seattle rain. Even though it was a short distance to the car, she knew that a few raindrops would penetrate the light silk fabric on her shirt, adding to her irritation.

  Ten minutes later, Rachel’s sleek black Tesla screeched to a halt in the arrival lane closest to the overhang. Rachel jumped from the car and rushed up to Lara, pulling the bag from her shoulder and placing it on the ground while she wrapped her arms around Lara’s neck. Her mouth found its target like a heat seeking missile and blanketed Lara is a searing kiss that sent tingles of arousal all the way to her toes.

  Lara’s irritation dissipated quickly as she settled into the kiss. Her arms wrapped around Rachel’s tiny waist and their bodies melded together in a sensual dance. Lara wanted to toss Rachel on the sidewalk and rip off her clothes, but she would have to wait until later. The kiss was a promise of things to come.