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Out Of This World Page 3

  Chapter Three

  The morning came too rapidly and I awoke to a rough tongue swiping my face. Two paws were furiously making bread on my bare chest. I’d discarded my t-shirt in the middle of the night because it got too warm. I suspect my erotic dreams were the culprit to my increased body temperature. This time, Celeste versus Sydney was the major star of my nighttime adventures.

  I giggled. “Gizmo, stop. I told you not to try to French kiss me until I’ve brushed my teeth.”

  Gizmo had a bad habit of trying to stick her tongue inside my mouth, and I would have to tighten my lips in an attempt at avoiding her loving attack. She was by far the sweetest cat I’d ever owned, but that didn’t mean I would let her stick her tongue in my mouth. I hadn’t even had the pleasure of a woman doing that to me yet, so I certainly wasn’t about to let my first experience be with my cat.

  I heard stirring in the other room and wondered if Celeste was already up. I wanted to make coffee or tea—I didn’t know which she preferred—and then whip up my famous stuffed French toast. I didn’t have a whole lot going for me to impress a woman, but I could cook a gourmet breakfast. Maybe the fastest way to a woman’s heart was through her stomach.

  I gently plucked Gizmo from my chest and set her to the side. She gave my hand one last lick for good measure and settled in for a long nap curled up on my bed. I grabbed my t-shirt from the floor where I’d tossed it and pulled it quickly over my head.

  I didn’t think my wooing chance would increase by sauntering out into the living room with a bare chest. My body wasn’t anything to write home about. I wasn’t overweight or anything, and I religiously worked out every day, but my flat chest and slim physique didn’t cause any heads to turn—male or female. No six pack graced my abs, and my curves were virtually non-existent.

  I grabbed the brush off my dresser in an attempt to tame my wild curls. I’d worked all night on my hairdo and it showed. Pieces of my ’do stuck out every which way. It wasn’t that just-laid look that is so sexy on some women—it was more like a scary Zombie look.

  I peeked out to see where Celeste was and, sure enough, she was looking out my front window. She seemed contemplative. It didn’t take long for her to swivel her piercing lavender eyes in my direction—almost as if she sensed me watching her. She looked adorable in my University of Washington sweats that I had laid out for her the night before.

  I coughed in embarrassment and walked out to greet her. “Good morning, Celeste. Did you sleep well?”

  She smiled. “Oh yes, your sleeping quarters are very comfortable, not at all what I am used to.”

  I wanted to ask what she was used to, but I let it slide. I hoped her normal sleeping quarters weren’t some mental hospital. “Are you hungry?”

  “Yes, I am eager to try another food option. I do not wish to have any more wine this morning. I believe it was the cause of the unpleasant feeling in my head.”

  I joked back with her because I was getting used to her sense of humor. “That’s good because I don’t think my stuffed French toast really pairs all that well with any of the wine I have in my closet. You must really be a lightweight. I can give you something for your headache if you want.”

  Celeste tilted her head and looked at me with a sort of puzzled expression on her face. “I am of average weight where I come from. Is that what you call the unpleasant feeling—a headache?” she asked.

  I chuckled. “Headache, hangover, your choice. A couple of aspirin and some food should help.”

  “Do not worry, I healed myself and the headache has disappeared.”

  I shrugged. “Okay. Breakfast will be ready in a few minutes.”

  She looked like she was going to say something back, probably another joke, but instead she just closed her mouth.

  After I made a heaping stack of French toast, I watched her devour nearly three quarters of the stack as she licked her lips and made humming noises while she ate. I took that as a good sign. I think she liked my cooking.

  “Your food offerings are very good. I wish to try more, but I have an unpleasant feeling right here.” Celeste patted her stomach.

  Yeah, I’d probably have a stomachache too if I ate that much. I didn’t want to be rude though, so I kept my unkind thoughts to myself.

  She smiled at me, tilted her head again, and I got the distinct impression that she could read those unkind thoughts. I told myself I needed to do a better job of censoring myself around Celeste because she could clearly read my body language.

  “I need to take a shower and get ready. Feel free to take a bath or shower, whichever you prefer. We can both get ready at the same time because, fortunately for me, there’s plenty of water for both of us. You can use the guest bath that I showed you last night. Whenever you’re ready, we can head out and do some shopping.”

  She nodded her head vigorously. “Yes, I am eager to try out this shower I have read about with the sweet smelling products. I turned the dials last night and discovered how to make the water flow from the dispenser. The square item for rubbing on your body had a very nice smell that I wish to transfer to my skin.”

  “You mean my lavender soap?”

  “Ah yes, lavender soap.” She nodded as if she were just remembering something she’d forgotten earlier.

  “You can either wear the sweats you have on or I could loan you some jeans and a t-shirt. I’m pretty sure you would fit into my clothes.”

  “Whatever you advise. I do not wish to stand out.”

  Fat chance of that. Celeste would look beautiful in a potato sack, but I wanted to see her in some jeans. I thought she would fill them out nicely, so I went to my room and rummaged through my drawers until I found a pair of low-rise jeans that I thought would look sexy on her. Sydney had even said I looked hot in them one day, but I knew she was just saying that to try to get me to climb out of my shell. Sydney was like that, she was always saying nice things to me. Sometimes I even fooled myself into believing her.

  I must have been doing some serious astro traveling thinking about Sydney because when I went back out to the living room, Celeste was gone and I heard the guest shower running. Shit, what do I do now? I can’t just barge into the bathroom and set the clothes on the counter, she’ll think I’m some kind of perv.

  As I was pondering my dilemma, I heard the water in the shower turn off and shuffling sounds in the bathroom. I felt like a deer in front of headlights as my indecision froze me to the spot. A few minutes later, the door to the bathroom opened and Celeste casually strolled out wearing absolutely nothing, not even a towel. I knew I was being rude, but I couldn’t help myself—I gawked at her. Celeste was a goddess. The fact that she showed absolutely no inhibitions when she walked toward me and took the clothes from my hands just increased the drool factor. I was too dumbfounded to say anything, and simply held the jeans and t-shirt in front of me like I was presenting gold to a Queen.

  “Thank you, my sweet Bella.”

  I’d forgotten to bring her underwear and only realized this after she’d taken my offering. She didn’t seem to notice and I hesitated again. I wasn’t sure about loaning someone my boring, white, Hanes for women. Then I figured lots of people go commando and don’t even give it a second thought. Besides, it was exciting to know that this exotic woman would be wearing my jeans and that just seemed so intimate—like our most private places would share the same space. God, I was going to go straight to hell—I just knew it.

  As I was daydreaming about smelling my own jeans after she’d removed them, Celeste had departed to the guest bedroom to finish getting dressed. I hurried back to my own bathroom because I was running behind. Now I was having daytime sex dreams and that would surely get me into serious trouble.

  It didn’t take me long to take a shower and get dressed. I was anxious to get going, so I did something completely out of character for me. Instead of blow-drying my hair, I shook my curls out and hoped for the best. I rarely let my hair dry naturally because I am so self-conscious about h
ow it might look when I don’t straighten it. I don’t usually wear make-up, so it only took me another couple of minutes to throw on a pair of well worn jeans and a soft cotton t-shirt.

  I found Celeste in the living room flipping pages in a book so fast that it was impossible to imagine her actually reading the information. This was a good thing, since it appeared as though she’d found my lesbian erotica. Even though I thought she hadn’t had enough time to read the book in her hands, I could feel the heat engulf my body until perspiration appeared. I felt a trickle of sweat between my breasts. I’m sure my face was an embarrassing shade of fuchsia.

  She looked up at me and I swear she had a wolfish grin. “Bella, do you wish to lick my pussy, or would you rather I suck your tender bud until you scream my name in ecstasy?”

  I choked out an unintelligent, “What?”

  I swear she smirked at me. “This book of yours is quite educational. Perhaps we shall discuss this tonight under the moon and stars. Let us go shopping now.”

  Damn, this woman put unholy thoughts into my mind and, yes, I did want her to lick me like a lollipop. I shook my head to try to get that image out so I could concentrate on our shopping trip.

  “Before we head to North Bend today, I’d like to stop at Pioneer Coffee and get my favorite beverage, a double vanilla, soy milk latte. Do you mind?”

  “Is this a drink I might like to try?” she asked.

  “Oh yeah, especially with cinnamon on top.”

  I was now focused on my chosen addiction—coffee. This would, hopefully, help me steer clear of a new craving I was developing—fantasizing about Celeste.

  We piled into my old beater and I noticed that Celeste was scrutinizing me as I pulled the seat belt across my shoulder and buckled myself in. She placed her backpack between her knees and, as soon as she clicked her restraint in place, we headed to the coffee shop.

  She watched me again as I unclipped my seat belt and seemed to struggle with the release button, so I reached over and pressed the button with my left hand while I guided the metal buckle and shoulder strap gently back into the release mechanism with my right hand. I’m not sure why I did this because Celeste was not a child who might be startled by the seatbelt rapidly retracting. Maybe I wanted some kind of physical connection to her. This was the most intimate interaction I’d ever had with a woman as my hand accidently brushed against her stomach. How pathetic is that? My sheltered life was causing me havoc as I started to experience too many firsts in a short time.


  Pioneer Coffee was a local favorite of our sister city, Cle Elum. Not only did they serve the best coffee drinks, but they also sold local wines. In the winter, the fireplace was always roaring and patrons would stretch out and relax on the comfy sofa and chairs that were strategically placed next to the warmth of the fire. Since it wasn’t winter, everyone sprawled out in every nook and cranny.

  When I opened the front door, I groaned as I spied Sydney and her bitchy girlfriend, Hollie.

  Hollie was an accomplished attorney and everyone’s golden girl—well, everyone who shared her political views and social standing in the community. The rest of us nerds and common people got to see her decidedly less charming side. When Sydney wasn’t looking, her non-verbal messages were clear—stay away, loser.

  I never understood what Sydney saw in Hollie. Sure, her outward appearance was flawless, but she was a soulless she-devil and treated Sydney like shit. Sydney was no more than her loyal and devoted lap dog. As far as I could see, Sydney was not an equal partner, but rather eye candy that Hollie loved to show off.

  Of course, Sydney saw us enter the shop right away and waved us over. I couldn’t be rude, so I reluctantly made my way to their table. Celeste followed my lead and stood beside me as I approached my high school crush and the enemy.

  “Hey, Sydney. You remember Celeste, right?”

  Sydney smiled and nodded. “Of course, you’re the one who wants to learn all about stuff that our resident librarian and expert on remote and interesting trivia knows absolutely everything about. You couldn’t have found a better person to help you. Mabs is amazing with the amount of knowledge she has in that big brain of hers.”

  I noticed Hollie scowling when she said that, but Sydney was too busy motioning toward the empty seats to register her sourpuss expression. However, before glaring at me, she focused her penetrating gaze on Celeste and I could tell she liked what she saw. I was willing to bet my house that she would turn on the charm with Celeste.

  “Celeste, right?” Sydney pointed to Hollie. “This is my girlfriend, Hollie.”

  Hollie directed her perfectly dazzling smile at Celeste. “It’s wonderful to meet you. I’m not sure what information you were looking for, but I’d be happy to help in any way I can. I don’t think Mabel knows that much about our legal system or politics. So… anytime you want to have lunch, my treat of course, I’ll fill you in. It sounded like you aren’t from the US and it can be complicated to understand our system of justice.” Hollie placed a business card in Celeste’s hand and held on just a bit longer than I thought necessary.

  I grinned when Celeste’s response was polite but distant.

  “Thank you, Hollie. I shall consider your offer, but so far Bella has provided me with the information I need at this time. I choose to continue my education with her.”

  Hollie narrowed her eyes. “Bella?”

  Sydney chuckled. “Yeah, Celeste decided that was an appropriate name for Mabs and I have to agree. I might start calling her that myself.”

  If Hollie’s eyes had the ability to shoot daggers, I’d be dead.

  She turned to Celeste and smiled. “Why don’t you and Mabel join us for dinner tonight?”

  Oh now, that was rich. I’d known Hollie for over ten years and she’d never invited me to dinner before. Even Sydney seemed shocked by the invitation as she looked at her girlfriend.

  “Oh, I am so sorry. Tonight I will be fucking Bella until she screams my name in ecstasy under this lovely moon and stars. I will lap up her sweet nectar from the pulsing, plump lips surrounding her vagina,” Celeste calmly remarked.

  Sydney burst out laughing and I hastened to clarify. “She’s kidding.”

  I remember thinking that Celeste had the driest sense of humor of anyone I’d ever met. Death Valley had nothing on Celeste. She could deliver a punchline with the straightest face I’d ever seen. Her guileless expression was unflappable.

  Hollie just sat there with her mouth hanging open—too shocked to respond.

  Celeste looked at me and crinkled her nose. “Bella, did I not give an accurate enough description? I replicated the words in your book.” She turned to Sydney. “I do wish to try the things that I learned in the lesbian erotica book I found. Bella seems to be an eager participant in my experiment.”

  Sydney smacked the table and smiled in my direction. “I knew it. You’re a big ole dyke just like me.” She frowned and I imagined that she was perplexed about why I’d never told her before.

  “She’s joking,” I protested weakly. I felt bad about not confiding in Sydney, and she was the last person in the world that I wanted to hurt.

  Sydney seemed to recover quickly and smiled at me. I thought she was trying to make me feel okay. “Hey, no worries, Mabs, we won’t tell anyone. Your secret is safe with us.” Sydney looked over at her partner. “Right, Hollie?”

  Hollie just sat there smirking while Sydney was waiting for her to respond. “Oh absolutely, but whenever you’re ready, we’ll be the first to have a big coming out party for you.”

  I could hear the sarcasm in her voice and, fortunately, so could Sydney.

  “Hollie, be nice,” she chastised. “Mabs is shy and everyone has to be comfortable with who they are before they’re ready to announce anything to the world. I promise you have our support no matter what.”

  I thought it best that I just not answer—that way they could think whatever they wanted to—but I wasn’t about to confirm anything. Ho
w could I explain anything without painting myself into a tiny corner? I was pretty sure that if I’d come out in high school, no one would have treated me like they treated Sydney or Hollie.

  Celeste was watching our exchange with a curious expression. She appeared not to understand what was going on. I needed to have a serious talk with Celeste about the kind of joking that she ought to avoid.

  I was so not ready to come out to anyone, even Sydney. It was bad enough that Celeste knew after flipping through my book. If I were honest with myself, I was even kind of glad she found out. I’d never actually said the words to anyone, and I wasn’t sure if I ever would. I suppose it didn’t matter, because even though I didn’t confirm things with Sydney and Hollie, it was pretty much a given that they knew now.

  I needed to get us on a different topic. I knew how much Hollie liked talking about herself, so I went there. “Hey, Hollie, I read in the paper that you’re running for state Senate. I bet you’ll win in a landslide.”

  Hollie clearly liked the new direction of our conversation because for the next half hour she talked non-stop about it. I was able to get a reprieve when I went to the counter to purchase a latte for Celeste and myself.

  I don’t know how Hollie manages to be charming and witty when all she does is talk about herself, but she’s an expert at sharing funny little anecdotes and normally sucks everyone into her sphere.

  Celeste remained quiet and sipped her coffee—humming softly. I was beginning to recognize her humming as an indication of her pleasure when tasting something new. I wondered what rock she came out from under not to have ever experienced a latte. There was a Starbucks on practically every corner in the larger cities. Coffee shops sprouted up like weeds in the smaller towns that dotted not only the Pacific Northwest, but every other state in the nation. Celeste was an odd one, that’s for sure.