The Ultimate Betrayal Read online

Page 6

  “Thank you, George, I think I’ll take your advice on that. It sounds wonderful. Copper River Salmon is such a treat and only available a short time each year, so it would be a crime not to take advantage of the offering.”

  George bowed and walked back in the direction of the foyer.

  Lara was planning her seduction of Chelsea when the attractive older woman approached the table as the server pulled out the chair for her. Chelsea wasn’t much older than Lara, especially now that Lara was turning forty in a few short weeks. Lara wanted to look as good as Chelsea did at forty-five.

  Lara looked up, smiled, and stood to greet her prospective client. Boldly taking Chelsea’s hands in her own, she kissed her cheek in greeting. “Chelsea, I am delighted you could join me for lunch on such short notice. I’ve been looking forward to this since you made the suggestion.”

  “As have I. It was so fortuitous meeting you on the plane. I was planning to contact you before we met the other day. One of your staff members approached me a few weeks back and I’ve wanted to connect with you on that. I’m afraid I may have led the poor boy to believe he had my business, but I really wanted to discuss my options with you personally. I insist on your personal touch to seal the deal.”

  Lara smiled and leaned back in her chair. “Ah, you must mean Jason. I’m afraid Jason is no longer with Fortified Financials. I hope that will not affect our ability to serve your interests.”

  Chelsea waved her hand in the air. “Not at all.” She leaned in. “I don’t usually speak ill of those not present, but he seemed to be a bit of a tool.”

  Lara laughed. “That’s one way of putting it.” Lara saw her opportunity as Chelsea’s arm rested on top of the table. Touching Chelsea’s hand, she leaned in and whispered, “I would be delighted to provide you with individualized personal service to ensure every one of your needs are met. I guarantee you won’t be disappointed with the outcome. I believe my reputation speaks for itself.”

  “Indeed, it does, Lara, indeed it does. Of course, I appreciate the personal attention and choose my business entanglements carefully. If you have the contracts with you today, I would be happy to sign them. I trust you have all afternoon to explain the finer details of those contracts once I’ve signed them. I do like to thoroughly understand every business deal I’ve committed to,” Chelsea said.

  “Of course, Chelsea, I want you to be completely satisfied with your decision. I’ve arranged for a hotel room that will allow us complete privacy without disruption from the hustle and bustle that tends to occur when I conduct business at the office. Hotel 1000 is only three miles away. It’s very discreet and has an excellent reputation. Did you drive here today?” Lara asked.

  “No, I had my driver drop me off,” Chelsea answered.

  “Perfect, we can drive together and I’ll drop you off anywhere you need me to after I’ve gone over the finer details of the contract with you.”

  “I look forward to the thorough explanation. Now let’s order a nice meal so that we can have plenty of energy to conduct our business later on. I’m famished. How about you?” Chelsea asked.

  “Ravenous, but I’m sure that will be remedied shortly. George recommends the Copper River Salmon special and I’ve never been disappointed with any of his recommendations,” Lara advised.

  “Well, then, I believe I’ll order the fish.”

  “Would you like me to select a wine to pair with the meal?” Lara asked.

  “Yes, please. I like a woman who takes control.”

  “Very well then. How about the Resonance Pinot Noir from Oregon? It is a delicious single vineyard wine that pairs well with salmon. Perhaps we can order dessert when we get to the hotel—something that will pair well with our business collaboration,” Lara offered.

  “That’s a lovely idea. I’m a bit partial to champagne and strawberries dipped in chocolate.” Chelsea leaned back in her seat and Lara thought she saw a very satisfied smile grace her classic good looks.

  “I like how we are on the same page with everything.” Lara lifted her gaze and with a slight motion of her head, the waiter appeared at the table.

  Chapter Eleven

  Sophia fidgeted in her first class seat while absently scrolling through Facebook posts.

  Joy lifted her head and stared at her best friend. “Geez, I can feel you squirming in your seat while I’m trying to sleep. I thought we were both going to catch up on sleep while flying in luxury. You haven’t even closed your eyes yet. Aren’t you exhausted, hung over, whatever, after our slumber party last evening?”

  Sophia smiled at her best friend. “I’m sorry, Joy. I’m just too excited to sleep. I feel like it’s Christmas Eve and Santa is about to bring me my Christmas wish.”

  “Well, I’ll tell you my Christmas wish is to get some shut eye before I descend on the lovely ladies who reside in the Emerald City. I need my beauty sleep, unlike some of us that are naturally beautiful twenty four seven, no matter what amount of alcohol they consume,” Joy grumbled.

  Sophia smacked her arm. “Don’t sell yourself short. The women will flock to you the minute your high heels hit the tarmac.”

  “Ouch. Yeah, I do all right, don’t I?” Joy answered.

  “Yes, you do and you know it. The humility gene certainly by-passed your zygote.”

  “Ooh, I love it when you talk all trashy and sciency with me.”

  “What the hell are you talking about? There is nothing trashy about zygote,” Sophia declared.

  “I know it’s a geek term, but coming from your beautiful mouth, it sounds sexy.”

  “You’re incorrigible. Now, go back to sleep and I’ll try to keep my movements to a minimum,” Sophia proposed.

  “Thank you. You are a true friend and a goddess.” Joy grabbed her pillow, fluffed it up, and settled her head against the window where she’d placed the cushion.

  Sophia sighed as she looked at her watch, noting that they would not arrive in Seattle for at least another two hours. She began to fret that her wife would not appreciate her spontaneity, but quickly shoved those negative thoughts aside. She leaned back her chair, closed her eyes, and tried to meditate. She hoped the meditation might lead to sleep, considering that she was tired. Getting only a couple of hours of sleep was something she used to have no problem with when she was in her twenties, but now at thirty-five she needed at least six hours of sleep to properly function. She had big plans for her wife and could not afford to fall asleep on her in the middle of a steamy night of sex. Finally, with her eyes closed and her concentration on relaxation and taking deep breaths, Sophia nodded off, dreaming of the romantic reunion she’d conjured up in her head.


  The modern building with reflective glass shimmered in a patch of rare Seattle sunshine. Joy and Sophia stepped out of the limousine and looked up at the contemporary architecture.

  “Wow, that’s some building. Your wifey sure picked a nice spot for her office,” Joy announced.

  Standing in front of the brass elevators that were encased in marble tile, Sophia began to get nervous. Would Lara be happy to see her? Or would she think that Sophia was crowding her? When the doors opened, Joy followed Sophia inside. Sophia pressed the button for the twelfth floor after noting the suite numbers for her wife’s financial services company.

  The doors opened to a bright airy space where a young woman sat at a desk. A headphone, complete with an unobtrusive mike, adorned her head. Her expressive hazel eyes tracked Joy and Sophia’s progress.

  “Good afternoon. Is Lara Beck available?” Sophia inquired.

  “No, I’m sorry. Ms. Beck left earlier for a lunch meeting.”

  Sophia was surprised at how disappointed she felt to have missed her wife. Sympathetic hazel eyes met hers.

  “I’m sorry. Did you have an appointment with Ms. Beck?” the young woman asked.

  “No. I thought I would surprise her. I can just wait in her office for her to return. I don’t imagine she will be much longer.” Sophia glan
ced at her watch and noted the time. It was nearly three o’clock and surely her wife would be back shortly.

  “I’m afraid that won’t be possible. Ms. Beck—,” the young woman started to say.

  “You little twit, don’t you know who this is?” Joy growled.

  Sophia placed her hand on Joy’s arm as the young woman turned confused eyes in Joy’s direction. “It’s okay, Joy. Let’s go play tourist and then we can wait at her penthouse.”

  “Would you like me to give Ms. Beck a message?”

  “No, that won’t be necessary, uh, I’m sorry I don’t know your name. I know it’s an unusual name, but I’ve forgotten it,” Sophia admitted.

  “Chandra Hernandez. I’m sorry I don’t know who you are, but you must be a good friend of Ms. Beck’s.”

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake, don’t you recognize Sophia. Her picture must be plastered on Lara’s fancy desk,” Joy barked out.

  “Stop bullying Lara’s receptionist.” Sophia smacked Joy’s arm again. “Don’t leave her a message. I want this to be a surprise.” Sophia winked at Chandra.

  “Okay. If you are planning to go to the penthouse, you may want to wait a bit. What I was going to tell you earlier is that Ms. Beck was planning to continue her business meeting at the penthouse. She left explicit instructions that she was not to be disturbed,” Chandra responded, with hesitation.

  “Hmm. She must have a really hot prospect on the line.” Sophia turned to Joy. “Well, you wanted to see all the sights. Let’s do the town and we can surprise her later this evening. I should tell the limo driver to drop our bags off at Hotel 1000. They can hold them in the lobby until we return from gallivanting around the city. I’ll call him later to come pick us up after we’ve had a chance to see the city.”

  Joy smacked her hands together. “Oh, goody. Let the party begin. Chandra, can you lead Sophia and me to the nearest lesbian hot spot? Or, would you rather escort us personally? I’ve forgiven you for not knowing who Sophia is and you are rather cute.”

  Chandra turned bright red. “Umm.…”

  Sophia tugged on Joy’s arm and pulled her far enough away from Chandra so she wouldn’t overhear the conversation. “Come on, Joy, leave the poor girl alone. Her day is not through. She can’t just abandon her job to play tourist guide.”

  “Well, why the hell not? Doesn’t the fact that you’re sleeping with the boss give us certain privileges to seek assistance from her employees.”

  Joy took a few steps back toward Chandra’s desk. “I really need to find those hot lesbians you promised me and I think I’ve found the first one. Right, you darling creature. You know, as an older woman, I could teach you a thing or two.” Joy winked at Chandra.

  Sophia pushed Joy toward the elevators, turned her head to face Chandra, and called out, “Sorry. She’s really not this bad most of the time. We’ve been cooped up in a plane for more than six hours.”

  She needed to connect later with Chandra so she could enlist her assistance with Lara’s surprise party to celebrate her fortieth birthday. Perhaps she could get Joy to work with her—that ought to please her best friend.


  Sophia exited the massive office building and headed to the limousine that was double-parked in front. The driver jumped out ready to open the doors for the two women. She waved her hand to indicate they weren’t getting back inside.

  “My friend and I plan on walking around a bit. Would you mind dropping off our bags at Hotel 1000 where my wife’s penthouse is located? I’ll call when we’re done, but I suspect it won’t be until after five and probably closer to six,” Sophia directed.

  “It would be my pleasure,” the driver answered. He pulled a card from his pocket and handed it to Sophia. “Just call this number and tell me where you’ve landed and I’ll come get you and bring you to the hotel.”

  Sophia pulled out a hundred dollar bill and handed it to the driver.

  “Thank you, ma’am.”

  “How come Lara doesn’t own a house or a condo here in Seattle?” Joy asked.

  Sophia shrugged. “I’m not sure. At first, when she opened the Seattle office, she would only be away for a few days at a time and I guess she thought the hotel would be easier. Maybe she’s considering buying real estate here now that she spends more of her time in Seattle than in New York. She hasn’t really talked much about her plans.”

  “So, how are we going to get into her penthouse suite without a key?”

  Sophia pulled a key card from her pocket. “She forgot the extra card in her jacket that she asked me to take to the cleaners.”

  “Why, you little minx. You stole her card,” Joy exclaimed.

  “It’s hardly stealing when I’m married to the victim—community property and all that.” Sophia laughed.

  “I guess it makes it easy for you to surprise her.”

  “Yep. That’s the plan. No offense, but when we get to the hotel, I’m getting you a separate room. I have big plans for my wife tonight.”

  “No offense taken, but it would have been fun to watch,” Joy teased.

  “Funny. Your jokes get more ribald as you age.”

  “Who’s joking?” Joy grinned.

  “God, we really need to locate that bar so you can find your evening entertainment.”

  “Now you’re talking,” Joy said.

  Chapter Twelve

  Chelsea Martin rolled out of the luxurious king bed and began putting her clothes back on. “Lara, I can honestly say it’s been a pleasure doing business with you, but unfortunately I’ve got to run. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “No, not at all. I understand what a busy woman you are,” Lara responded.

  “As lovely as this afternoon was, and I must say it was one of the better business meetings I’ve had, I believe you’ve clearly explained all the finer points of the contract in enough detail that I won’t require any additional clarification. Perhaps we can do lunch on occasion, but it certainly won’t be necessary to spend any more time on the deal. I hope you understand.” Chelsea narrowed her eyes waiting for a reaction from Lara.

  “I understand perfectly. Fortified Financials appreciates the trust you have in our corporation. I guarantee that I will hold everything in the strictest confidence. You don’t need to be concerned about anything. Your privacy and personal information is of paramount importance to us.”

  Lara remained in the bed with the sheet covering her from the waist down, but leaving her creamy white breasts exposed. With her hair tousled and half-naked body exposed, she was a tempting sight.

  Chelsea shook her head. “You are absolutely lovely, my dear, but rules are rules. It’s time for me to take my leave before I return to bed and make a decision I am sure to regret later.” She leaned down and gently kissed Lara on the lips. “Goodbye, my dear.”

  Lara stretched her arms above her head. “The limo is waiting outside the hotel, ready to take you wherever you need to go. I trust you can find your way out?”

  “Yes. Thank you.” Chelsea ambled to the door and quietly exited the penthouse.

  Lara tossed the sheet to the side and walked to the dresser to retrieve her cell phone. She’d heard a buzz earlier in the day, but it had come at a most inopportune time, so she had forced herself to ignore the message. When she swiped the screen and retrieved the message with the naked picture, she laughed out loud. “Ah, Rachel, you will be the death of me yet.”

  Lara searched for any other messages and finding no other texts, she frowned. It was unusual for her not to hear from Sophia. She decided she needed to call her wife and see if anything was wrong. After dialing the number and the call going straight to voicemail, Lara became irritated. It would be eight o’clock in New York. Sophia rarely went out and she never let a day go by without calling to chat for a few minutes, especially on the first day after Lara returned to Seattle.

  Lara began pacing her penthouse. A storm was brewing—Lara could feel it in her bones. Instinct was what made Lara such a successful businesswom
an and she sensed something big was about to occur in her well-organized life. The prospect of change was not welcoming.

  Lara went toward the bathroom. She wanted to be home by eight and would have just enough time to shower and remove all evidence of her very personal business meeting. Lara smiled to herself. Chelsea had certainly been a surprise in bed. The woman was insatiable. If Chelsea had not made it perfectly clear that this would be a one-time opportunity, Lara might have considered taking Chelsea as a lover. What the hell was she thinking? She already had one too many women in her life.

  Lara entered the bathroom and walked into her shower. She would try to call her wife again before leaving for home. She let the water run over her sore muscles. Pleasing Chelsea had been a workout. Lara groaned and she thought about needing to satisfy Rachel tonight. Burning the candle at both ends was starting to take its toll on her body. By the look of Rachel’s text message, she was sure there would be an expectation that, she had to admit, would be hard to resist.


  When Joy and Sophia reached the front door of Hotel 1000, a doorman graciously opened the door for them. “Welcome to Hotel 1000, ladies. We hope you have an enjoyable stay. All of us are here to serve you.”

  Joy smirked. “Too bad you’re the wrong sex.”

  “Behave,” Sophia chastised.

  Sophia walked up to the check in desk with Joy close on her heels. “Hello, I’d like to see about getting a room for my friend here. If you have something available that is close to the penthouse, that would be perfect. I believe the limo driver dropped off our bags. My bags need to go to the penthouse and my friend’s need to go to whatever room can be arranged.”

  “I’m sorry ma’am, but the penthouse is permanently rented and not available, but we have another room that I think should meet your expectations.”